1. Untar the source package to document root dir or your webserver - cd DOCUMENT_ROOT - tar xvfz cms-VERSION.tar.gz OR check out the latest version from subversion - svn co http://svn.cmsmadesimple.org/cms/trunk 2. Copy all of the files over top of your existing installation 3. If upgrading from a version pervious to 0.5, make the uploads dir writable by the web server user. - chmod 777 uploads 4. Upgrade needs write access to your config.php file. This is only until the upgrade is complete. - chmod 666 config.php 5. Point your browser to the install/upgrade.php page to be guided through the upgrade procedure. Some releases may not have to do any upgrades, so if it says that it's up to date, don't panic. 6. After the upgrade is complete, for security sake, you should set your config.php back to a read-only state. - chmod 444 config.php 7. Check your Plugin Management page to make sure there are no modules that need an upgrade. If they do, please click the Upgrade link next to each of them.