IT-Arkkitehtejä, Tietoturvaekseperttejä ja Tietokantaosaajia (Helsinki)

Haemme kokeneita IT-alan asiantuntijoita julkisen sektorin projekteihin. Jätä vapaa hakemus ja CV 9.10. mennessä!

Työt asiakkaan tiloissa Helsingissä.

B2B-konsulteille maksamme 70-80 €/h (+ALV), työsopimuksella tekevät neuvottelujen mukaan, jätä palkkatoive!

For more information, please contact Kari Härkönen, phone +358 400 752 542, email:


Follow carefully the process while ‘Apply this position’:

  • Answer to each ‘bullet’ and requirement separately.
  • Tell what experience and skills you have per requested subject (e.g. technology, programming language,…).
  • If you don’t have experience of some requested subject, tell that as well (but if you are familiar with it based on your own research, you can mention it).
  • Tell your salary request!
  • Attach CV and use our template for that (see below).
  • Make sure that all the requested criteria can be found in competence list and work history.
  • Check the language for all the material!

In order to make the applying process more effective, please use our CV template when placing an application: MindFit CV Template (doc)